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《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》摘要集(2019年第2期)
【字体: 】  【发布日期:2019-11-08 09:08】  【来源:中国土工合成材料工程协会】  【作者:秘书处】  【点击次数:
    国际土工合成材料学会(International Geosynthetics Society,简称IGS)主办了两本国际期刊,分别为《土工织物与土工膜》(《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》,简称G&G)、《国际土工合成材料》(《Geosynthetics International》,简称G&I)。G&G于1984年创刊,当前影响因子为3.972;G&I于1994年创刊,当前影响因子为2.89。目前,这两本期刊均为双月刊。
    G&G 2019年第2期共刊发了16篇学术论文,内容涉及真空预压竖向排水地基处理的长期性能预测、土工格室片材及节点破坏机理、外加荷载速率对真空预压竖向排水性能的影响、土工织物加筋钙质砂强度特性、气隙对防止高温下土工合成材料膨润土垫干裂的影响、土工格室加筋土性能的尺寸效应、电动土工合成材料在高岭石上进行电渗固结和真空预压试验研究、土工格栅加筋骨料水平刚度评估、采用土工织物管袋建设尾矿坝的案例研究、静态与循环剪切荷载作用下颗粒填充桩剪切破坏模式研究、土工格室加筋砂土水平锚固板抗拔能力、土工合成材料加筋柔性路面现场足尺试验、各种土工织物对黏土污泥过滤性能的对比试验研究、基于大应变理论的正常固结土径向固结特性、孔隙率与温度对土工合成材料膨润土垫保水性的影响、HDPE土工膜与砂砾间循环界面剪切试验与本构模型研究等。
1. 标题:Long-term performance predictions in ground improvements with vacuum assisted Prefabricated Vertical Drains
作者:P.I. Kumarage, C.T. Gnanendran (Australia)
2. 标题:Failure mechanisms of geocell walls and junctions
作者:Yang Liu, An Deng, Mark Jaksa (Australia)
3. 标题:Effect of surcharge loading rate and mobilized load ratio on the performance of vacuum–surcharge preloading with PVDs
作者:Jun Wang, Ziyang Gao, Hongtao Fu, Guangya Ding, Yuanqiang Cai, Xueyu Geng, Changxin Shi (China)
4. 标题:Strength enhancement of geotextile-reinforced carbonate sand
作者:Saeed Goodarzi, Habib Shahnazari (Iran)
5. 标题:Experimental investigation of the effect of airgaps in preventing desiccation of bentonite in geosynthetic clay liners exposed to high temperatures
作者:Bowei Yu, Abbas El-Zein (Australia)
6. 标题:Scale effect on the behavior of geocell-reinforced soil
作者:Gh Tavakoli Mehrjardi, R. Behrad, S.N. Moghaddas Tafreshi (Iran)
7. 标题:Laboratory tests of electro-osmotic consolidation combined with vacuum preloading on kaolinite using electrokinetic geosynthetics
作者:Lin Zhang, Liming Hu (China)
8. 标题:Horizontal stiffness evaluation of geogrid-stabilized aggregate using shear wave transducers
作者:Yong-Hoon Byun, Erol Tutumluer, Bin Feng, Joon Han Kim, Mark H. Wayne
(Korea & USA)

9. 标题:A case study on utilizing geotextile tubes for tailings dams construction in China
作者:Yonghao Yang, Zuoan Wei, Guansen Cao, Yan Yang, Huan Wang, Sunning Zhuang, Ting Lu (China & Australia)
10. 标题:On the shear failure mode of granular column embedded unit cells subjected to static and cyclic shear loads
作者:Cihan Cengiz, Ismail Emrah Kilic, Erol Guler (UK & Turkey)
11. 标题:Uplift capacity of horizontal anchor plate in geocell reinforced sand
作者:Awdhesh Kumar Choudhary, Bhardwaj Pandit, G.L. Sivakumar Babu (India)
12. 标题:Performance of geosynthetic-reinforced flexible pavements in full-scale field trials
作者:Thanongsak Imjai, Kypros Pilakoutas, Maurizio Guadagnini (Thailand & UK)
13. 标题:Comparison of the behaviour of various geotextiles used in the filtration of clayey sludge: An experimental study
作者:Guillaume Stoltz, Philippe Delmas, Camille Barral (France)
14. 标题:Radial consolidation of PVD-Installed normally consolidated soil with discharge capacity reduction using large-strain theory
作者:Ba-Phu Nguyen, Yun-Tae Kim (Korea)
15. 标题:Water retention of geosynthetics clay liners: Dependence on void ratio and temperature
作者:Ali Ghavam-Nasiri, Abbas El-Zein, David Airey, R. Kerry Rowe (Australia & Canada)
16. 标题:Experimental investigations and constitutive modeling of cyclic interface shearing between HDPE geomembrane and sandy gravel
作者:W.J. Cen, E. Bauer, L.S. Wen, H. Wang, Y.J. Sun (China & Austria)
   G&G 2019年第2期论文摘要集请点击附件下载。

撰稿:王志杰、李乔一   审核:吕鹏   编辑:程凤娟
上一篇:《Geosynthetics International》摘要集(2019年第1期)
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